Lancet Commission on Reframing NCDs and Injuries for the Poorest Billion Meeting


Thursday, March 9, 2017 (All day) to Friday, March 10, 2017 (All day)

NCD Lancet Commission

The Lancet Commission on Reframing NCDs and Injuries for the Poorest Billion (the NCDI Poverty Commission) was launched in September 2015, with the perspective that the endemic burden of NCDs and Injuries in populations living in extreme poverty is largely unrelated to preventable lifestyle risk factors and is not dominated by a handful of conditions such as coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes. As a result of this epidemiology, the response to NCDIs in these populations must be framed in terms of equitable policies and integrated health service delivery strategies focused on both reaching the most vulnerable and contributing to poverty eradication. The NCDI Poverty Commission is defining pro-poor strategies in NCDI control, exploring NCDI epidemiology by poverty intensity, and investigating potential routes to financing in the context of the post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda. The Commission will synthesize findings into a report to be launched and published in the Lancet in early in 2018.

Twenty-two NCDI Poverty Commission members, Lancet editors, researchers, and staff convened in Dubai, UAE, at the Harvard Medical School Center for Global Health Delivery–Dubai on March 9–10 2017 for two full days of intense and productive discussion. The meeting focused on a section-by-section review of the annotated outline, draft text, working papers, and other inputs for the Commission report. The meeting also provided time for critical discussion of key messages and recommendations, analysis of report data and evidence, and delegation of report section authors. Commissioners will reconvene for an internal peer review meeting in June 2017 in London, England.

The Program in Global NCDs and Social Change in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School hosts the NCDI Poverty Commission secretariat.

Countries Represented: Canada, Colombia, India, Mozambique, Pakistan, Peru, Rwanda, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States of America